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London - Finchley
Closing Date: 16-02-2025
£11.55 - £12.00
Closing Date: 18-02-2025
Gillingham (Dorset) - Gillingham
£12.47 - £12.96
Closing Date: 19-02-2025
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The Partnership supports flexible working, such as when, where and how you work. Working flexibly may mean different things to help with your own work-life balance. For example, it might mean flexible or compressed hours, job sharing or shorter hour contracts. Our Head offices also support a blended working approach between time at home and in the office. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss this further with the hiring manager during your interview and, where it is operationally practicable, they’ll do all they can to accommodate your needs. For more details of how our Partners currently work flexibly click here.
For the most common questions regarding your application, please click here.